UGC Portfolios are a MUST!! It helps you look professional, and is critical for getting paid inbound collabs!
Once you purchase you will be sent an email (within 2 business days) asking for a bio about yourself and some content you have taken. I will put it all together for you in an aesthetic manner.
Takes approx 5-10 business days and will be sent back once receiving your information. Unfortunately you will not have access to change it once it has been sent back, so any updates needing to be made will have to be done on your end/ or through this process again.
You have one week from the date of the email from us to send information needed for kit - if not received or notified about being late it will be considered a "no show" and not processed. You will still be charged with no refund!
NO REFUNDS!!!!!! These are digital products that cannot be returned! NO exceptions